OOTD: Floral Duster Jacket

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Navy floral duster jacket: c/o George at ASDA
Black chiffon blouse: c/o George at ASDA
Light denim turn up jeans: c/o George at ASDA
Nude patent heeled court shoes: Topshop (similar)

This is the final post of my collaboration with George At ASDA on their #geniusjeans campaign. This time I opted for more of a dressier outfit with a pretty floral duster jacket. It's the perfect transition piece for Spring now that the weather is starting to warm up. Paired with a pair of heels, it can go from day to evening in one quick swoop. These jeans are a bit stiffer than my previous ones but after a few wears I imagine they'll fit like a jean. I'm such a sucker for a good turn up - just makes them look a little more interesting eh?

The weekend has yet again been a lazy one. I've tried to stay in for the whole of April in a bid to cut down on my manic spending. Bar Chicago obviously - the credit card had a good work out over there. It feels weird to still have money in my bank account three weeks into payday. But it's been nice to spend my weekend at home to be honest. Usually I'm booking things up 24/7 and find when Monday rolls around, I'm absolutely exhausted. That said, I'm ready for May to come. Looks like it's going to be a busy one!


  1. Sophie I love this jacket!

  2. I really like this jacket. Im trying to add more colour into my wardrobe (slowly getting there) and with this nicer weather I need a few lightweight jackets like this!

    Leanne x
    My new blog post... Haircare : Currently on trial.

  3. Oh hi awesome duster jacket! Asda are literally on it, again. So many items on my wish list right now.
    Looking as pretty as ever xx

  4. LOVE the blazer - where are you? It's soooo sunny.

    Sheree xx

  5. I really love your jacket - I must see if I can buy one.

    The stiffness of some denim is one of the reasons I don't wear jeans

  6. LOVE your blazer, it's so pretty!!

    Chrissy x


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