Do you ever get that fear that you can't shift?

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Map print cotton midi dress: Laura Ashley
Nude block heeled sandals: Dorothy Perkins c/o Westfield London (similar)
Light wash denim jacket: Primark (Similar)
Leather nude structured Kelly bag: Vintage (similar)

I'd waited patiently for this dress since the Laura Ashley press day and had a voucher burning a hole in my pocket. The lovely ladies at the Colchester branch gave me a call as soon as it dropped in. It's such a perfect length and great for those weekends when you fancy making a bit more of an effort.

I wore this out for Father's Day at the weekend for Sunday lunch at a hotel in a village nearby. I actually worked there from the age of 15 to 20 so have fond memories of spending early breakfast shifts sneaking a full English in the kitchen. It still feels strange going back and being waited on! I'm off to Glastonbury next week for the first time. So i'm manically trying to get up to date at work and write myself lots of lists to ensure I don't forget anything. This week is going to be a busy one! But i'm counting down the days, that week off work is very much needed.


  1. Ohh what a beautiful dress, it suits you so well! <3

    Jennie xo |

  2. such a gorgeous dress, the map print is lovely. Adore how you wore it with a demin jacket and still kept it cute :) x

  3. Oh Soph! I wish I could pull off florals and midi dresses as well as you!

    ​Leanne @ Leanne-Marie ​ x​​

  4. Adore this outfit Sophie!

  5. That dress is so stunning, you look gorgeous!

  6. Every time I see this dress, I want it that little bit more! I'm off to Glastonbury too - let's pray we get the good weather!

    Tara x

  7. You look gorgeous here, hope you have a fab time at Glasto!

    Maria xxx

  8. This outfit is so cute! I seriously love jean jackets paired with dresses. I think it is just such a cute combo!

  9. You look beautiful Sophie, such a pretty dress. xx


  10. i wrote a comment last week on how gorgeous you look.. but then i screwed up somehow and it didnt publish (d'oh!) So i shall happily say it again. this dress looks like it was made for you lovely! absolutely gorgeous. and those shoes look like perfect summer footwear!XX

  11. You have a very classy and cute style! Love it


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