Ill be waiting in the photo booth at the underground station

Monday, 5 August 2013

Light denim jacket - Primark
White long line cotton cami - Asos
Blue floral silky trousers - Asos via Petticoat Lane Market
Silver bow sandals - hometown boutique

I was forced into buying these trousers during my trip to Petticoat Lane a few weeks ago. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. They're made of such soft material and anything that feels like I'm wearing pjs outside the house gets a thumbs up from me. Sometimes getting dressed is such effort don't you think? I hope I'm not the only lazybones! RIP to these sandals. I've hardly had had them off my feet this summer and they finally gave up on the way to Covent Garden in my lunch break. I had to do a mad dash to Zara barefoot to try and pick up some replacements. I must admit it wasn't my finest hour hobbling in front of tourists wondering why I decided to leave my house with only one shoe on.  I spent £20 that I didn't really have. Isn't that always the way?

This week will hopefully be a quiet one.  I'm looking forward to hiding indoors and getting into bed for 9pm after going for a few runs. Eeeeek! I don't know what's come over me if I'm honest. My room is at bursting point so I'm going to undertake the mammoth task of gaining some order. I don't really think it's necessary to hold onto Heat magazines circa 2010... I have however got something exciting happening this week as I'm off to the launch of Jurlique at Marks and Spencer on Thursday. Will I see any of you there?


  1. Oopsie at the whole shoe fiasco! At least you managed to get a pair of shoes and didn't have to do the whole journey home shoeless! Xx

  2. love the outfit! you pull these pants off amazingly xx


  3. love the print on your trousers. I'm trying to get back on plan, back to the gym and sort myself out after far too much cake. A few early nights would help these bags under my eyes too xx

  4. I love your trousers!

    Rose xo

  5. cool trousers, such a statement and so stylish <3

  6. Oh hi pretty trouser lady, love this print! <3


  7. those pants are so cute!! I love them and how you styled them.

  8. So pretty Sophie! Those trousers and your necklace are bloody perfect. Adore those shoes too but alas, it was not to be! xx

  9. Love those trousers Sophie. I've gone a little Asos mad recently, must refrain from splurging on these too.

    Sweet Monday


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