London Fashion Week

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Aztec body con midi dress: Primark
Long sleeved cardigan: Primark
Black tights: Primark
Heeled shoe boots: Primark
Bling statement necklace: Primark

Well looks like I was channelling Primark at London Fashion Week this season! I wasn't really planning on popping down but I recieved an invite to head to the New Look refuelling room on the Strand - more on this later - and thought i'd pop to Somerset House with Hannah. I obviously had to have my picture snapped! If you look very closely you be able to see tinges of purple at the ends of my hair supplied by the very generous New Look lounge. I felt like I should have been in an advert with the amazing bounce.

I had an absolute blast at New look and got to spend time with the ever so lovely Sarah and Hannah. I bumped into the gorgeous Elodie at Somerset House which was perfect as we managed to persuade her to come out for my birthday that night. Hannah and I popped along to Bills for a bit of dinner and a cheeky bottle of wine. This set up our evening very nicely indeed. Lily and Elodie joined us at a pub in Covent Garden and the night got very jolly from then on. I had an amazing night dancing to all my favourite indie tunes at the Borderline and finally stumbled into bed at 5am. Perfect birthday night out!

Are you planning a trip to Somerset House?


  1. looking lovely here Sophie, I really like your hair, the purple is really cool! Definitely a fun time on Friday, maybe too fun haha....

  2. Sophie you look fit here! Can just about see your purple hair now too :)

  3. You look gorgeous Sophie, I love the aztec print dress! Your hair looks fab too, hope you had a great birthday!

    Caroline x
    Caroline's Catwalk

  4. You look lovely, that dress is gorge. your hair looks fab, happy belated birthday :) xx

  5. Great Post, love your dress! Maybe I'll see you around Somerset house today.

    Sheree xx


    Glitz & Grime

  6. Your hair looks fantastic! I spotted these midi dresses in Primark and really liked them but wasn't sure how they'd look on....this looks great on you :)

    - Tabitha at x

  7. Such a babe! I had no idea you were wearing all Primark? Its how you werrrrk it Sophie :-) love your purple curls :-) xxxx

  8. Happy Brithday! Sounds like you had a great time, I was gutted I didn't get tickets to LFW but just watching live has been amazing! :D
    Grace X

  9. Your hairs lovely xx

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  10. You look gorgeous and I would never have guessed it was all Primark x

  11. Loved this outfit! I was admiring this dress in Primark yesterday, its lovely. Great to see you on Friday night! x

  12. Cannot believe it's Fashion Week already. Wow. You look lovely. Gorgeous dress.

  13. You look absolutely beautiful Soph, I would never have guessed that frock was a Primarni number lol! LFW always catches me by surprise haha, I've not made it down this year but have loved seeing all the snaps xxx

  14. You look amazing, I love this dress!

    Maria xxx

  15. Love this outfit! :) xx

  16. Great Post, love your dress! May be i will buy these style looking gorgeous style.

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