Now I wanna see y'all on y'all baddest behaviour

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Black leather shorts: Topshop
Cream 3/4 length flower trimed top: Primark
Black polka dot tights: Primark
Black faux suede wedges: New Look
Nail varnish: No7 Rose Truffle 76

I was pleasantly surprised that these shorts still fit me as i've put on some weight recently. So to celebrate that I thought I would wear them out tonight on a night out on the town. I brought this top a few weeks ago (in the hell hole that is Marble Arch Primark) with the intention of wearing it to work but now I have thought about it I think it is too pretty to just wear to work. I think I am going to wear it out a few times and then resign it to work. I love patterned tights, I think they really jazz up an outfit. But no doubt these will be laddered by the end of the end and have ended up in the bin. Anyone else always ladder tights?

Like I said I am going out dancing tonight. I am only going out locally so will be the oldest person out amongst 16-year-olds. Tragic. Ah well I can still party like the rest of them! The best friend is coming round to have pre-drinks, good gossip and watch The X Factor. We haven't been out dancing in about a month so tonight is very much needed.

Hope you all have a lovely Saturday night! Anyone else looking forward to The X Factor?


  1. Oh my god I need that top in my life its stunning. I am off to Primark on Monday x

  2. I love the trim around that top, so pretty! I'm looking forward to watching X factor and finding out what the twist is! x

  3. That top looks amazing with the leather shorts! And I'm watching X Factor right now, love it every year!

    x Michelle |

  4. Wow, what a truly beautiful top! <3 I love the petal-esque detail on the hem <3

    Lost in the Haze

  5. hurrah for those hot leather shorts! have a great night out :)

  6. You look very pretty. I actually love your outfit up against that cool wallpaper. Have fun dancing!

  7. I really love your top! It's so cute, and looks lovely with these leather shorts.

    And your hair is beautiful ♥


  8. Fab outfit, love the shorts. Hope you had fun :) x x

  9. You look amazing Sophie- such a gorgeous outfit!! xxx

  10. You look lovely and you've still got a fabulous tan, too!
    I've just watched the X Factor. Can't wait to see who goes. x

  11. You look amazing and I now have the song from your title stuck in my head.

  12. ooooohmmyyygod, i LOVE your hair, it reminds me of my fave celeb girl Zooey Deschanel. I want to have lovely locks like this too. Looking beautiful, Sophie! Thank you for your blog comment, I do sometimes sit back and think"Why am I working all the time?!" It is non stop. I need a real temporary secretary xxxx

  13. your hair is amazing! love the wallpaper! <3

  14. I have the same issues with tights, I'm awful! It's always the nicest/most expensive ones I manage to ruin too :'(

  15. This is such a great outfit for a night out! The blouse is so pretty. I ALWAYS ladder tights too. It drives me nuts. I tried buying expensive thick ones, but I still wreck them so I always get them from Primark now! I love the patterned tights! I hope you had a good night out. xxx

  16. This post is perfect and so is your blog!
    I've been a fan for a while now, keep it up :)

    Say Hi to your newest follower!

    Maybe you could check out mine and follow if you get time?


  17. A lovely look, that ring is great x

  18. love the look, the blouse is so pretty and delicate! Watched the x factor too, most of those that went were so predictable! xx

  19. You always find the best things from Primark! Although I agree with you definitely that the Marble Arch branch is total madness! And hurray for clothes that still fit... always worth celebrating!

  20. Love this outfit on you, you look FAB!!

    Sadie xx

  21. Love the top! so cute xx

  22. Gorgeous top! i love the detail edging. And leather is always the way to go. Glad you had a great Saturday after our old ladie Twitter chat on friday night! Much Love!

  23. This is such a lovely outfit and that top is sooo pretty!
    Hope you got to let your hair down and had a good night out


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