Summer loving

Monday, 11 April 2011

I have been browsing the internet when I should be in fact doing some dissertation work. First draft in on Thursday eeeeek! But I have completed my other two modules, page numbered and contents paged, so they are ready to be handed in. Also done about 250 words of my dissertation so all in all a pretty successful geeky night!

I do have a point after all that mindless rambling, I stumbled across the new Primark summer collection and spotted this dress.

Oh my I NEED it now. I will find it and it will be mine.

It will be perfect for my holiday (which I have yet to book or even save for but lets forget about that!). I l0ve the beautiful colours and look at the neckline! Its a beaut! The length is perfect, no flashing anyone once I have had a few. Always a plus in my book! Oh and what is the price I hear you say. £17! Who says you can't look good on a budget.

Oh Primark you have certainly upped your game!


  1. Blimey...£17!!!

    The colours are fantasic :) Hope you manage to treat yourself. x

  2. Well done on such a productive evening! :)
    That dress is gorgeous! I love the length & the shape. I'm really impressed with Primark at the moment!

    Rebecca x

  3. Wow, who would have thought Primark?!

  4. Whoaaaaa seriously cannot believe that a photo of that standard is good ole primarni!

    Paddy @ LITTLE RAZZI x

  5. wow, really gorgeous! so surprised its primark!!

    xx, Sabinna and David

  6. ahhh I love this dress too, saw the summer collection on the LOOK website and loved most of it but they all said coming soon!! Hope it's very soon I go on holiday in 4 weeks and would love this dress xxx

  7. Colors ARE gorgeous!! It just screams SUMMER!!!!

  8. Goodness, what a dress indeed! The colours are beautiful, and it matches the shoes wonderfully!


  9. What I wouldn't do to have that dress :) It's gorg!

  10. the dress is really pretty! I always see primark stuff on blogs/websites but I swear my small town primark is stuck in the 90s.

    and you HAVE to try the breakfast scrub, espesh as it's on offer atm!


  11. the is such an awesome coloured dress and so perfect for holidays - love Primark!



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